About Doug and June

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North America
This Blog was the brainchild of Doug and June...as they spend as much time discussing food as just about anything else. I (June) suggested Food Porn as a name for this blog, but he (Doug) thought people would get the wrong idea and be looking for some oddly shaped cucumbers or something like that and I had to agree. So he came up with Food DJ (Food Doug & June) if you couldn't figure it out on your own. But you will find here is some awesome recipes and lovely pictures of food (and possibly the equally lovely Doug eating said food). However just warning you, I believe Doug has an unhealthy preoccupation with bacon. Might I (June)add that I love glossy, scrumptious, food-porn-filled cookbooks? The glossy paper, the photos that ooze calories, the chatty yet suggestive descriptions... ahh I smell sex and bacon.

Monday, December 3, 2012

21 days till Christmas.. Eat This..Sloppy Joes and Chips

HOLY COW!!!!!!  It's 21 days till Christmas...a mere 3 weeks!!!  Holy
Cow!!  So keep calm and carry on, my little foodies... I love Sloppy Joes...memories of school lunches, where I had my first Sloppy Joe... delight of my first meat eating orgy!!


1 lb ground beef
1/4 cup diced onion
4 oz tomato sauce
2 oz tomato paste
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper, to taste
Brown the ground beef with the onions. Drain the beef then add the rest of the ingredients, mixing well. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until thickened.Cooks Note: Serve on butter toasted buns. Any leftover may be served next day with elbow macaroni.

My favorite way to eat this is on a baked potato.. cook the potato in the microwave, split it open and heap as much as you want on.

I am so lazy..when I make sandwiches, I serve with potato chips...

Plop on the top of the bun and serve it up with a big bunch of kettle cooked potato chips. The crunch is essential!

Oh, and if you’re feeling particularly naughty…you can melt a slice of cheese over the top.

serve with

Jammy, earthy red wine

dessert ..serve with:

ice cream sandwiches from chocolate chip cookies and ice cream

  • Make Double Butter Pecan Ice Cream Sandwiches by pairing storebought butter pecan ice cream with vanilla cookies of your. It’s a double whammy of one of ice cream’s most indulgent flavors. Bake thin cookies so that your sandwiches will be more streamlined.
  • Make Two Tone Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches by filling pairs of homemade chocolate chip cookies with half a scoop of vanilla ice cream and half a scoop of chocolate. Eat right up the middle to get a combination of both flavors, or eat one side before the other to get two different desserts in one!
  • These Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches are made with lower fat (but still just as delicious) cookies and showcase how you can make an indulgent treat a little lighter by baking the cookies yourself. I like raisins for a classic oatmeal cookie feel, but chocolate chips can be a great alternative.
  • Try S’mores Ice Cream Sandwiches by sandwiching homemade Marshmallow Ice Cream and chocolate sauce between two graham crackers. Grahams soften nicely when they’re paired with ice cream, so you get the flavor in a sandwich that is easy to eat. I recommend chocolate sauce because it is easier to pair with ice cream than melted chocolate is.
  • Pizalle Ice Cream Sandwiches..use store bought pizzales and neopolitan ice cream (3 flavors...chocolate, strawberry and vanilla)


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