About Doug and June

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North America
This Blog was the brainchild of Doug and June...as they spend as much time discussing food as just about anything else. I (June) suggested Food Porn as a name for this blog, but he (Doug) thought people would get the wrong idea and be looking for some oddly shaped cucumbers or something like that and I had to agree. So he came up with Food DJ (Food Doug & June) if you couldn't figure it out on your own. But you will find here is some awesome recipes and lovely pictures of food (and possibly the equally lovely Doug eating said food). However just warning you, I believe Doug has an unhealthy preoccupation with bacon. Might I (June)add that I love glossy, scrumptious, food-porn-filled cookbooks? The glossy paper, the photos that ooze calories, the chatty yet suggestive descriptions... ahh I smell sex and bacon.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pictures of Doug's Meat- PEAMEAL BACON

I know.. I know..I was expecting something better too.. damn

These are the pictures Doug sent me..as I was questioning him about his comment about cooking peameal bacon up for sandwiches...This he assures me is called "peameal bacon"...hmm never heard of it..looks like a pork roast to me... so my little foodies..what is peameal bacon??   and what the hell do you do with it??   back to Wiki

Peameal bacon (also known as cornmeal bacon) is a type of bacon originating in Canada. The name reflects the historic practice of rolling the cured and trimmed boneless loin in dried and ground yellow peas, originally for preservation reasons. Since the war years it has been rolled in ground yellow cornmeal. It is low in fat, and slow cured.
Bacon made of pork belly instead of the loin are not as lean. Peameal bacon is made from boneless pork loins, short cut from the leaner portions of the loin, to ensure a more uniform product. External fat is generally trimmed to within 1/8 inch. Smokeless and tender, this product is sweet pickle-cured and rolled in a traditional golden cornmeal coating.

Peameal bacon sandwiches are often considered to be a signature dish of Toronto. 

NOW that explains everything!!  Toronto..I should have known!!

I assure you Doug will teach you the intricacies of Peameal Bacon..

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