About Doug and June

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North America
This Blog was the brainchild of Doug and June...as they spend as much time discussing food as just about anything else. I (June) suggested Food Porn as a name for this blog, but he (Doug) thought people would get the wrong idea and be looking for some oddly shaped cucumbers or something like that and I had to agree. So he came up with Food DJ (Food Doug & June) if you couldn't figure it out on your own. But you will find here is some awesome recipes and lovely pictures of food (and possibly the equally lovely Doug eating said food). However just warning you, I believe Doug has an unhealthy preoccupation with bacon. Might I (June)add that I love glossy, scrumptious, food-porn-filled cookbooks? The glossy paper, the photos that ooze calories, the chatty yet suggestive descriptions... ahh I smell sex and bacon.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy Wednesday or Where the Hell Did Tuesday Go?

     Hello my little blogees..Thank you for reading..I find it amazing you do!!  As today's title says..I am wondering what the hell happened to Tuesday...and no I am NOT that old..thank you very much. 

    Life tends to happen in spurts..(read that... a ton of crap happens all at once..and then we have a calm..like the eye of a hurricane).  I went to the doctor, ate at McDonald's, was sick all day!  That was Tuesday and the less said about it the better!!   Today I will add a recipe..promise..even if its not mine...I have been looking for my handwritten cookbook everywhere...kicking things and muttering to myself!  So today is Wednesday..the thing about mornings is ..it gives you the opportunity to have a "do over".  Except that THIS morning I managed to screw up the layout for the blog..Don't even ask me what I did!!  Believe me, I have spent too many hours already trying to get it to it's former glory...shut up..don't even start with me!! 

My sweatshirt's old
My tea is cold
I have some clothes I need to fold
My tea is cold
My sweatshirt's old
And now my story is all told.   (with apologies to Dr Seuss)

   No, I am not high and I haven't taken too many meds...jeez try to be amusing and people jump all over you!  I feel bereft of witty repartee today... and I am definitely trying too hard with little success.

    Someone sent me one of those.."send this to everyone you know and you will be given a million dollars..or don't send it and you will be sent to the firey pits of hell" things..  really HATE those.. you just have NO idea!!  (it's ok if you sent it..I still love you).   So, as per my usual self.. I decided to wax philosophically about it.

     I* L*O*V*E**Y*O*U*  T*O*O*

Everyday is I LOVE YOU  day.  Send to everyone you love. (or don't..who the hell cares..J)

    So many people come into our lives...and some leave shallow footprints and some deep..but everyone we meet gives us some of themselves whether they know it or not.  We are so blessed when someone comes into out lives and stays..giving us their love, understanding, care, devotion and help us become better people for it...Those people we know we love.  They teach us how to love unconditionally, trust emphatically and believe in miracles. 
     But others come into our lives for a brief time..it may even seem insignificant or even a mistake, but these too have helped us become better...they have helped us learn the lessons we need to learn.  It's not often kind or easy...sometimes we are hurt..our feelings bruised, our hearts broken, our self confidence shattered.  In time, we heal and those broken places are stronger.  If we never had a broken heart, how could we recognize real love?  If our feelings were never hurt, how would we learn compassion and empathy?  If our self confidence was never deflated, how would we learn that the most important person we can love is ourselves?  Don't you just there was an easier way?

    Bless the miracles in your life...honor the people who love you.   But also bless those who have taught you the hard lessons. 

   Right now at this moment, there is someone who loves you deeply, madly and truly...maybe you are blissfully aware.  Or maybe they are out there looking for you ...waiting, praying and searching. Just hoping to find you.  Always be open to love.  It is all around us.  Someone, somewhere waiting for you touch, your smile, your laughter..if they are in your arms, in your heart or in your dreams...never forget that. Just because love hasn't come to you yet, doesn't mean it will never. It just means you are ready yet.

   Personally, I think it's much sadder to love someone and never tell them, then it is to tell them and risk being hurt.   Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. 

  “The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” ― Bob Marley
    I believe in true love. I believe in unconditional love.  I believe in love at first sight.  I believe love lasts forever.  I believe that every one of us has a soul mate.  I believe every person should be allowed to love whomever they want.  I believe the course of real love is not easy, but I also believe it is worth every second.  I believe a child (no matter how old) never has to earn their mother's love..it's inehaustable and unending.  (mushy, as Doug would say!)

     Bless, believe, trust, hope and dream.  The Universe is unfolding exactly as it should.  We don't have to understand everything.  But we do need to be accepting and loving.  I do love you..and I wish you many good things but most of all I wish you love in your life...and that you can see it and accept it.

            If you are reading this...know I love you!!

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