About Doug and June

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North America
This Blog was the brainchild of Doug and June...as they spend as much time discussing food as just about anything else. I (June) suggested Food Porn as a name for this blog, but he (Doug) thought people would get the wrong idea and be looking for some oddly shaped cucumbers or something like that and I had to agree. So he came up with Food DJ (Food Doug & June) if you couldn't figure it out on your own. But you will find here is some awesome recipes and lovely pictures of food (and possibly the equally lovely Doug eating said food). However just warning you, I believe Doug has an unhealthy preoccupation with bacon. Might I (June)add that I love glossy, scrumptious, food-porn-filled cookbooks? The glossy paper, the photos that ooze calories, the chatty yet suggestive descriptions... ahh I smell sex and bacon.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!!

   Happy Father's Day to every man who has parented, mentored and guided a child.  Being a Dad has nothing to do with blood relationships, but everything to do with relationships of the heart.  It is an important thing for a child is to be loved and feel secure.  If you have been able to do that, then this is YOUR day. If you have ever nurtured, encouraged, understood another person...this is YOUR day too! 

    It is so hard to define a good dad. It's something we know intuitively and preverbally. A good dad is first off a good man..even harder to define...

  But there are some important hallmarks...

*A good man puts people before things, and those he loves before people.
*A good man doesn't pressure those he loves to be come famous, rich, or successful -he just wants them to be happy and content..and he means it.
*A good man never does a single thing to make money at the expense of another person. He never uses anyone for his own gain.  He will never destroy another person's character.
*A good man never lies, bur neither he is blunt and thoughtless with the truth.
*A good man will not promise much, but if he promises, then he will do it. He is a man of his word and that is a rare thing,
*A good man is understanding, accepting and loving , but repents openly when he is not.
*A good man is always in transition..he is not afraid to change and grow...he is a better man today than he was yesterday.
*A good man is someone you know they can turn to, no matter what hardships you are facing in life.
*A good man is love...Many spiritual beliefs state that humans have two basic emotions..love and fear- everything else stems from them. Fear spawns a Pandora's Box of hatred, jealousy, envy, greed, dishonesty, violence and mistrust. Fear is the energy that contracts and destroys. Love produces acceptance, understanding, caring, concern, honesty, gentle strength and sharing. Love repairs, heals and restores.

My belief is you can't be a good dad if you are not first a good man.  Many of us are blessed with good men in our lives.  And if you have a good man in your life, be it a dad, a partner, a lover, a friend..don't think for one second, it's not a miracle.  And remember how precious he is.

For all the good men out there...for the street wise gods, for the white knights on firey steeds,  the supermen, for every man who fights for what is kind and good in this crazy world, for every man who knows how to love....THIS IS YOUR DAY!

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